Homily, 11-25-24; Monday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time: “Who can ascend the mountain of the LORD? or who may stand in his holy place? He whose hands are sinless, whose heart is clean, who desires not what is vain.” These are words we hear in our responsorial psalm today. Indeed who can ascend… Continue reading Sinless Hands, Clean Hearts
Should Catholics attend non-Catholic weddings?
Bulletin Q&A Article; Published 11-24-24: Should Catholics attend non-Catholic weddings? What about a “Catholic” who is having a wedding in their backyard? I read in one article that the answer to the general question about the acceptance of attending a wedding is: “Yes, if it is a real marriage.” If the first question is in… Continue reading Should Catholics attend non-Catholic weddings?
Stay Rooted in Your Faith
Homily, 11-18-14; Monday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time: We can reflect on how well rooted are we in our faith? Our responsorial psalm says that he who delights in the law of the LORD and meditates on his law day and night, is like a tree planted near running water. It will stand… Continue reading Stay Rooted in Your Faith
We Await a New Heaven and a New Earth
Homily, 11-17-24; Sunday of the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B: “Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place.” We are approaching the end of the liturgical year. In two weeks we will begin the Advent Season. But now is a time to reflect… Continue reading We Await a New Heaven and a New Earth
Great Lakes National Cemetery
Bulletin Q&A Article; Published 11-17-24: I plan on being buried at Great Lakes National Cemetery next to my late husband. I have a concern since it is not a Catholic cemetery. Will my grave be blessed? Catholic cemeteries are special. As I indicated in a bulletin article from last year (https://orthoscopy.net/index.php/2023/11/15/catholic-cemeteries/), they, along with churches,… Continue reading Great Lakes National Cemetery
Slavery to Truth
Homily, 11-11-24; Memorial of Memorial of St. Martin of Tours: In the lengthy introduction to his letter to Titus, St. Paul refers to himself as a slave of God. He is a slave because he is trying to be totally obedient to Jesus Christ who sent him out to be an apostle to the Gentiles.… Continue reading Slavery to Truth
Rescuing Blessed Items
Bulletin Q&A Article, Published 11-10-24: I worked in an antique mall some years ago and rescued quite a few items I felt shouldn’t be there. What is the right way for people to handle these possibly blessed treasures? It is great, if you have the resources, to rescue items that appear in antique shops or… Continue reading Rescuing Blessed Items
Fighting Distractions in Prayer
Homily, 11-4-24; Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo: Yesterday, in his homily, Fr. Hurley touched on some of the difference between the three different levels of ordination: deacon, priest, and bishop. In the current Church, the levels are very distinct and the requirements for ordination to them are very rigorous. But it wasn’t always so. Today… Continue reading Fighting Distractions in Prayer
Gender of Confirmation Saints
Bulletin Q&A Article; Published 11-3-24: When choosing a saint for confirmation, does the saint have to be the same gender as the one being confirmed? What is in a name? I still get chills when I remember Sr. Peter Damien from grade school. My 7th grade mind pictures her as being 6’ 3” tall and… Continue reading Gender of Confirmation Saints
Finding our Way Home
Homily, 10-28-24; Feast of Simon and Jude, Apostles: Home sweet home, or as Scott Hahn declares in the title of his book: Rome Sweet Home. The Church is our home here on earth built on the foundation of the apostles, including Jude and Simon the Zealot that we honor today. Jesus is the cornerstone who… Continue reading Finding our Way Home