The website was first created to keep friends informed about my progress as I wrote my first book, Orthoscopy: Clear Vision to See What We ought To Do. It also served as a platform to share my thoughts expressed in homilies, bulletin articles, and random newsletters.
Recently the website was revamped as I draw to the end of writing a second book, as yet untitled and obviously unpublished. Several years ago, I felt called by God to write about Purgatory and I have struggled with the right approach to accomplish it. There have been many starts and stop, many dead ends, and long times when I walked away in frustration. But finally I was able to pull together some thoughts that I hope others struggling with the concept of Purgatory will find useful.
The new website is set up primarily as a blog where I will post my weekly Monday homilies, my occasional Sunday homilies, and other random reflections. I will also post updates on the final push for completion of the new book, starting with the pursuit of a publisher.
Deacon Joe Hulway