Homily, 5-13-24; Monday of the 7thh Week of Easter:
We are in the week between the Ascension and Pentecost. It was a time when the Apostles felt very much alone. They were afraid. They spent nine days locked away in prayer. It was the very first novena. They were scattered when Jesus was arrested, but Jesus tells them that even though they left Him, that He was not alone. The Father was with Him.
This morning we hear Jesus say: “I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” Jesus tries to reassure the disciples in advance that they too will not be alone, that He will be with them even in their times of trouble on their sojourn here on earth. But despite all of the reassurances, the disciples did not have the peace and understanding of Jesus’ words until He sent His Spirit upon them at Pentecost.
We will have troubles while here on earth, but Jesus has conquered the world. Our stay here is temporary. We are made for something greater. We are made for Heaven. In one of his homilies yesterday, Fr. Hurley reminded us of the question from the Baltimore Catechism which many from my generation have had drilled into our heads. And that question is: “Why did God make you?” The answer of course is: “God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven.”
Our true home is in Heaven. Jesus has returned to the Father to prepare an eternal place for us after our short time here on earth. It is a theme we reflect on often at funeral vigils. We hear St. Paul tell us that our life here on earth is a lowly and temporary existence, like living in a tent. And we are reminded of Jesus’ words: “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?”
It is theme that we should keep in mind always, not just when we contemplate death. We are in the world with all its troubles, but Jesus has conquered the world and wants us to be at peace until He calls us home to be with Him for eternity. Let us strive to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him and He will send us His Spirit to give us true peace, the peace that this world cannot give us. In our darkest hours, we will not be alone.
Jesus not only sends us His Spirit, but He gave us His mother, Mary, to be our mother as a source of comfort that we can turn to in times of trouble. Today we remember how she came to us as Our Lady of Fatima to guide the world to peace through prayer and penance and sacrifice. Let us follow Jesus and listen to our heavenly mother and we will not be alone on our journey to meet them in Heaven.