Come with a Purpose

Homily, 13th week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, June 27, 2021:

Homily, 6-27-21

13th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

When Jenni and I were the youth ministers at Sacred Heart, we would take a group each year to Steubenville, Ohio for the annual youth conference at the Franciscan University. The teens got to share their faith with other from across the country and Canada. There was always a lot of loud music and singing; lifting up voices and hands, praising and worshiping the Lord. The youth heard some very frank presentations about living their faith and about making changes in their lives. They were encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation to be healed and to remove the baggage that they are carrying around with them. But the biggest focus of the weekends was on the Eucharist, the source and summit of our lives as Christians.

We would attend Mass all three days of the weekend and received Christ

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